Rehistoricizing Exhibition reviewed in San Francisco Examiner

New view of Bay Area abstractionism
By: Murray Paskin
Special to The Examiner
July 8, 2010

“On view at the Luggage Store Gallery through July, “Rehistoricizing Abstract Expressionism in the San Francisco Bay Area, 1950s-1960s” attempts to compensate for the fact that some artists, due to their race or gender, weren’t given the recognition they deserved at the movement’s height on the West Coast.

To correct the injustice, curator Carlos Villa has assembled an exhibition of 33 works by male and female artists of color.

The exhibition is outstanding, even though the works vary in quality, nature and scale.

The show’s excellence is in how the pieces collectively exemplify an understanding and variety of abstract form and juxtapositions, reaching out to the viewer with an unusual display of creativity…”

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